1. NYPUMC YG Mission Statement
We seek to become Christians with a strong foundation rooted in our identity as God's children and faithful disciples of Christ. We desire to truly believe in Christ so we can go out into the world to raise the banner of victory and share the message of the gospel for all who do not know.

2. Four Foundations of our Ministry
To establish the holiness and respect for worship necessary for believers to acknowledge the worth of God. We long to worship in Spirit and in truth not only on Sundays but for all the days of our lives.
To establish the importance of relationship with one another in Christ. We want not only to spend time with our friends but find strength and encouragement in all our brothers and sisters, so the world would see the power of our unity in Christ.
To establish a habit and longing for maintaining our spiritual disciplines. We need to learn to read Scripture and pray in all things. In doing so, we maintain self-care for our souls while finding the empowering tools to move faithfully both in the church and in the world.
To establish a desire and drive to serve and reach the other. We need to think and move beyond the walls of our church to become examples of Christ wherever we go—in our homes and schools, both locally and globally.

3. Youth Group Mission
• Youth Group Mission Trip / Mexico, Peru, Jamaica
• Workcamp / Every two years
• Food Bank Volunteer (Long Island Cares Inc.)
• Shoe Drive (Soles 4 Souls)
• Car Wash for Mission Fundraising

4. Sunday Gathering
• 11:00 am - 12:00 pm / Sunday Worship
• 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm / Bible Study
• 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm / Lunch
• 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm / Fellowship, Mission Training

5. Friday Meetings
In addition to our regular Sunday meetings, we also meet on Friday meetings. We hope to supplement our students' faith journeys by stressing the importance of regular gatherings. Our Fridays are spent in worship, small group gatherings, and fellowship activities. We may also meet on some Saturdays for special activities,

• 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm / Worship
• 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm / Small Group
• 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm / Fellowship

Welcome to Plainview Church English Service! The Bible says, "Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you." (Exodus 23:25) We are the people who come to church to worship God and practice: Fervent Prayer (James 5:16), Living by Faith (2 Corinthians 5:4-7), Unity in Love (Colossians 3:5-14). We started out with our focus on the English speaking Korean 2nd generation, but we are certainly not limited to just this population. We welcome everyone from every background! We all have one thing in common; everyone here wants more God and people to worship Him with. Love people, love God! Our goal is to meet, mingle, enjoy and learn from each other while we join SERVICES that are 'Bible Based, Prayer Driven, Purpose Achieving, Christ Centered, and People Oriented.' So come and join us in our services!

• Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting / 9:30 AM
• Sunday Worship Service / 1:00 PM @ Main Sanctuary
• Friday Evening Worship / 8:00 PM @ Main Sanctuary
• Communion / First Sundays of Each Month
• Daily Worship Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2204800358/)

• Sunday Small Group / 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM
• Weekdays / Appointed Times
• Seasonal Trips / Appointed Times (Retreat, Ski, Bowling, Picnic, and Camping etc.)

Membership Training
• Daily Bible Devotional Reading @your e-mail
• New Member's Class / 12:30 PM

Community Service
• Food Drive/ http://www.islandharvest.org/intro.aspx
• ALPHA COURSE / Fridays 7:00 PM (Sep. - Dec.: Feb. - May)

Missional Service
• Stony Brook University Van Ride / Sundays 12:30 PM (SAC building)
• Scholarship / UMC Higher Education Dept.