
NY PUMC Missionary Committee Annual Report for 2016-2017
NY PUMC Missionary Slogan: “Spread, teach, and witness the words!"
”우리는 가서 전하고 가르치고 증거하자”

NY PUMC Missionary statement (선교 성명서) :
1) To serve the people of Sri Lanka and other missionary countries, to better and strengthen their quality of life. (뉴욕 감리교회는 우리가 섬기는 스리랑카와 선교지 들의 백성의 삶의 질을 향상 시키기 위하여 그들을 섬깁니다)
2) To serve the people of Sri Lanka and other missionary countries, to spread the Good News. As we obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) that Lord Jesus gave us before he left this land for Father in Heaven, our vision is to focus on rescuing people who are lost or in disbelief of our Lord, Jesus Most of all, our mission goal is to succeed in God's will. Until the last person is saved, we will not stop our missionary journey. (뉴욕 감리교회는 하나님의 좋은 소식을 스리랑카와 다른 선교지에 전하기 위하여 그들을 섬길 것 입니다. 우리는 예수님께서 하늘 나라로 떠나시기 전에 우리에게 주신 마지막 지상명령에 순종합니다. 우리의 비젼은 길을 잃은 자, 잘못 믿는 자, 못 믿는 자, 안 믿는 자들을 구하는 일에 집중하려 합니다. 그러나 그 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 우리의 선교의 목적은 하나님의 뜻을 이루는데 있습니다. 마지막 한 생명을 구하는 그 날까지 우리의 선교는 계속 될 것 입니다.)
NY PUMC Missionary Objectives (선교의 목적):
1. Overseas Missionary Activities (국외선교):
To spread and implant God's words in countries where we serve. To improve the condition of overall life and environment.(하나님의 말씀이 우리들이 섬기는 각 나라에 뿌려지고 심어지며 그들의 살고있는 곳의 환경이 나아지게 함 )
1) We visited and ministered with missionaries in the countries we served (short term missionary);
Sri Lanka (Jung Eunbum missionaries). (우리들이 섬기는 현지의 선교사님들과 그들이 사는 곳을 방문하고 선교함(단기 선교)
Mission Report (스리랑카선 교보고):
We have visited and ministered with Jung missionaries in Sri Lanka from 10/04/2016 - 10/12/2016. Our team consisted of 5 adults including Reverend Kang, our elder pastor of NY PUMC. We visited Hetton City and Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka. We visited a all-Girls home where 22 girls live in Hetton City, located east of Colombo. They were sent to the home by their families who couldn't support them. We stayed 3 full days to fix the roof of kitchen and to rebuild the walls around the home. As their gate was ready to fall, we left funds to fix it. The driveway was exposed - leaving behind rocks. It was difficult to walk on. Our team decided to renovate and find the new driveway. We shared a time of prayer, sang songs, and danced. They were happier than we had first met them. The next day, we shopped for clothes, shoes and had lunch together in the home for the last time. Like normal, content girls, they were talking, giggling, and enjoying their time as they shopped with us. We thank Lord for the opportunity to be a part of the girls' lives and provide a time of leisure. When we had to leave, we were faced with the sadness of seeing their sad faces. But we will see them again if it is God's wish. While we were there, we also attended the opening ceremony of the Panmura school, which highlighted the construction of the new classroom for high schoolers by our church. They welcomed us and we were so happy to see the classroom and that the high schoolers won't have to travel far to other cities. Families often cannot afford to send their children to schools in other cities. We visited the Kilapone Nursery s School in a poor neighborhood in Colombo. There were 48 boys and girls in a single room. We delivered presents, played games, and danced together. We also met the blind that were eager to work and be independent despite the prejudices they faced from Sri Lankan society. They were having a graduation ceremony for the completion of a massage program. The Jung missionaries had opened a massage school for the blind since 2013 and they were the first ones to graduate. We congratulated them and happily celebrated with their families and friends. We delivered their graduation gifts and had lunch altogether. NY PUMC had raised funds to renovate their massage salon that has been operating since last year. As the salon needed a lot of work, we delivered the portion of the funds we had raised from the UMW Bazaar as well as a donation from a family of our church. We will continue to support the salon until they can operate normally. Reverend Kang Wongun preached and delivered messages three times while we were in Sri Lanka. Once in the girls home in Hetton City, second time in the Hetton Methodist Church for Friday service and on Sunday in the Katunayake Methodist Church in the Katunayake city about 30 miles away from Colombo. The Katunayake M.C. has about 600 church members and their Sunday services is about 2 hours long. Many hymns were sung and we experienced God's presence at the service in the big church. It was a gracious moment for all the people who attended the service. Missionary Jung was translating Korean to Singhhala so everyone would understand the message. We knew that God was there with us and enjoyed the service! We also received a new vision for our future mission in Sri Lanka - a vision that God wants our congregation to accomplish with him.
2) To teach the people of Sri Lanka and send them out to world with God's vision. To discipline and train them and make them disciples. And finally let them become missionaries to deliver God's words to their people and the rest of the world. Our goal is to build 200 churches and more if our dream allows us to.
3) Indirect Mission through missionaries: Russia - 2 of Cho's missionaries (현지 선교사님을 도와 간접적으로 하는 선교, 조영철 선교사님 부부.)
They were sent to Russia through the GVGM and we support them through the GVGM. We may visit Russia if the mission team is timely created and available. We are diligently encouraging missionary members to form a team and submit plan. (GVGM 을 통하여 파송된 두 분의 선교사님들은 물질로 GVGM를 통해 섬깁니다. 러시아 선교팀이 만들어져야 하겠습니다.)
4) Assistance to YG and EM mission trip: Examples- Mexico mission, workers camp
(유스와 이엠의 선교를 돕습니다..)
Our committee offers support for each YG and EM member to make it possible to go to overseas and domestic missions. There were a total of 6 YG and EM members who went to the Mexico mission trip this year (7/27/2016-8/04/2016) and we will continue to support the young generation to strengthen their missionary mindset and skills for future leadership in proselytism. Our committee will continue to recruit and train young people to continue our missionary journey. (선교부는 유스 3명과 이엠 3명을 보조하여 멕시코 선교를 하였고 그들을 계속적으로 도와 선교의 정신과 기술을 강화하여 미래의 선교를 인도하여 가는 리더들로 자라 가도록 할 것 입니다. 그들이 우리의 선교 여행을 계속하여 가도록 뽑고 훈련 시켜 가야 할것 입니다.)
5) To help people to make their quality of life better and stronger (현지인들의 질적인 삶의 향상을 위하여 그들을 도우는 일)
- Sri Lanka; our church and congregation will continue to pray for the country and people we serve. We provide courses or programs for the spiritual leaders in the country so that they will have hopes and dreams that God's allowed them to have to become God's children and live like his children and disciples. Our committee continuously will provide funds for Kilapone Nursery School teachers salary,make connections with spiritual parents and the girls home in Hetton City. And we will also support the massage school for the blind until the salon is operable. (스리랑카를 위하여 지속적인 기도가 드려 지고 그들의 영적 지도자 양성을 위하여 여러가지의 프로그램들이 준비 되어져야 합니다. 선교부는 킬라포네 유치원과 햇톤의 걸스 홈 그리고 맹인 사역을 도우려 합니다.)
- Russia; we will continuously pray and communicate with missionaries in Russia and search the methods to help the leaders and people in Russia whom are suffering from many obstacles that make them avoid God's work. We will continue to provide funds for missionaries in Russia via GVGM. (러시아의 리더들과 백성들을 도울 수 있는 방법을 찾으며 기도하고 대화하여 그들이 하나님의 일을 할 수 있도록 선교사님들을 도와 갈 것 입니다.)
- To build churches throughout the world (교회의 건축을 위하여); Our committee will continue to pray and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We need to be sensitive to His voice and teaching as we continue our journey with a mission. (선교부는 기도하며 성령의 인도하심을 따라 주님의 음성과 가르침에 예민한 선교를 계속하여 갈 것 입니다.)
2. Domestic mission (국내선교)
1) Provide funds to various ministries: KCMUSA, Disciples ministries in UMC, USA amen.net and Radio mission.
2) Workers Camp by UMC
3) Examine Native American missionaries in Arizona, USA for future mission plan
3. NY PUMC short term missionary team (뉴감의 단기선교팀)
1) Sri Lanka team
2) Russia team
3) YG and EM team
4. Events Accomplishment in 2016.
1) Missionaries in Sri Lanka: Jung was invited and reported his works (07/19/12-07/25/16); | 스리랑카 정 선교사님 뉴감 방문
2) Matching 6 Hetton (Sri Lanka) girls with 4 spiritual parents completed and they were supported financially by the parents.
(6명의 소녀들을 4명 양부모가 입양)
3) support salaries for the 3 teachers in Kilapone nursery school. (킬라포네 3명의 유치원 선생님들의 월급.)
4) Music festival for fundraising for the blind in Sri Lanka (05/2016); the massage salon is on the way of renovation.
It is operable but needs to be upgraded.
(스리랑카선교를 위한 음악회)
5)Train the Sri Lanka short term missionaries; 4 members (09/2016-10/2016) | (스리랑카 선교팀 훈련)
6) UMM provided a golf tournament for fundraising Sri Lanka mission trip in Oct.2016.
(남 선교회 골프대회)
7) UMW provided this year's Bazaar for fundraising Sri Lanka mission trip in Oct. 2016.
(여 선교회 바자)
8) Provided fund to YG, EM for Mexico mission trip (07/2016); (3 YG members and 3 EM members)
(유스와 이엠의 멕시코 선교 보조.)
9) Short term mission trip to Sri Lanka (10/04/2016-10/12/16)
(스리랑카 단기선교)
5. Events plan in 2017
1. Recruit team leaders and associates (construction team, children's mission team)
(선교팀원들 발굴)
2. Assist planning YG short term mission trip and continue to support YG EM mission trip
(유스의 선교보조)
3. Plan for adult Sri Lanka mission trip
(2017년도 성인 선교팀 구성)
4 Fundraising for mission trip and fund for mission countries (Golf tournament, Bazaar and dumpling sale) working with UMW (Sept 2017)
(선교비 모음을 위한 행사들; 골프대회, 바자와 만두세일 등)
5. Music festival for fundraising for mission fund (May 2017)
6. continue to support the Kilapone Nursery School, Hetton's girls home and massage salon until ready to reopen and operate.
(킬라포네 유치원, 햇톤의 보육원과 안마원 보조)
7. To make Healing Farm as training center for missionaries, form a committee. | (힐링 팜을 선교 훈련원으로 만들어 가는 일을 감당 할 위원회를 조성)
8. Continue intercession for the missionaries and countries that we serve,
(지속적으로 선교사님들과 선교지와 나라들을 위하여 기도함)
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